Welcome to
Nepal Health Professional Federation
Nepal Health Professional Federation is a non-governmental, non-profitable and social organization registered under Nepal Government and Social Welfare Council in the year 2005. Our main objective is to contribute to the health sector of Nepal by providing valuable suggestions to the government, ensuring quality of service for consumers and encouraging coordination among the health institutions.

Provision of Health Checkup
There are numerous health institutions in Nepal. But all of them are not authorized to conduct medical tests for foreign employment purpose. Migrant workers must make sure that the medical center is listed by the Government of Nepal to conduct medical checkup for the purpose of foreign employment.

Legal Provision about Health Examination of Migrant Workers
The government of Nepal has made following legal arrangements in case of migrant workers health checkup.
Foreign Employment Act 2064 (2007)
Specialists committee

Health Checkup Process
A Nepalese migrant worker has to obtain certificate of fitness from a Government approved Medical center in Nepal with government approved HOLOGRAM issued by NHPF affixed on Report Card.

Provision for Compensation
A Migrant Woler who has got the medical checkup done from a government Approved medical center and has hologram affixed medical report, if departed due to medical reason within 2 months from medical test, is liable for compensation.
Process to Follow
A migrant worker is advised to have proper knowledge about the health checkup process and medical center before health checkup.
- A migrant worker must make sure that the medical center is enlisted by the government medical for foreign employment medical checkup purpose and that it issues hologram affixed medical report.
2. S/He should enquire about fees for medical checkup. the fee is RS. 4275 for Male and Rs. 4380 for Female.
3. A worker should compulsorily take a bill or receipt against payment of medical checkup fees.
4. The medical report is issued within 24 hours after medical test and receive in person.
5. The report card must be a common one issued by NHPF and must be HOLOGRAM affixed.
6. A Migrant Worker must remember that, report card issued by a government approved medical center in Nepal must be hologram affixed. Workers without HOLOGRAM affixed medical report are not liable for compensation.
7. Medical Center or Health Institute is not Liable to pay compensation to a migrant worker returning due to sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS. gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis B or C, Jaundice, High BP, or Contagious Diseases.
8. A Migrant worker can see his medical report from anywhere in the world online by inpurriong their passport number on the website of NHPF: Click Here
आदरणीय व्यवसायी साथीहरु
बैदेशिक रोजगार नियमावली २०६४ को नियम ४५क(८) मा सुचीकृत भएका स्वास्थ्य संस्थाले बैदेशिक रोजगार कल्याणकारी कोषको खातामा पाँच हजार रुपैया नविकरण दस्तुर जम्मा गरी सो को भौचर र तोकीएको कागजात सहित आ.व २०७४।२०७५ को सुचीकरण नविकरणको लागी मिति २०७४ पौष मसान्त भित्र श्रम तथा...
Vision & Objectives
Our Vision
- To play a leading role in health sector of Nepal to safeguard the interests of health i+nstitutions and establish the health profession as a reputed one.
- To ensure that migrant worker health checkup is conducted fairly and in a well organized manner.
- To arrange for compensation to migrant workers deported to Nepal on medical ground from a foreign land.
- To help enhance the quality of health care services provided by health institutions in Nepal and make health care services easily accessible for general Nepalese people.
Major Objectives
- To conduct health care service & make coordination and unity between medical centre, NGO’s & other health care provider.
- To promote & encourage Nepal government permission registration number holder member organization & to solve the different problems arising with in this organization.
- To do advocacy for the health care provider’s right, professional & business right welfare.
- To make sure that every member of this Federation provides quality and reliable service to the clients.
- Establish public – private – NGO partnership in the delivery of the health care services.